
Hello everyone,

Thank you for stopping by my site.  I begin this post today with feelings of excitement as well as trepidation.  For months now, I’ve been building the framework to launch my new design business, excited to begin the next chapter of my life.  As things started to come together and fall into place, so too, did the threat of the novel coronavirus.  I was preparing to take a girls trip to London for inspiration with my amazing girlfriends when, the threat of the novel coronavirus suddenly became very real and very urgent.  

A day before we were scheduled to fly out, the President declared the national state of emergency and closed down the borders to European travel.  We had already decided to cancel our trip a few days before the emergency declaration but our disappointment was nonetheless, palpable.  It would have been a fabulous trip for sure.  We had reservations for afternoon tea at some of London’s famed tea spots like the Savoy of London and Sketch.  We also had reservations at 34 Mayfair, Dishoom Carnaby and Dalloway Terrace.  I still mourn the missed opportunities but know that it will be something to look forward to in the future.  My girlfriends and I agreed that our trip wasn’t cancelled, it was just temporarily postponed.  

Now, like the rest of the world, our cities and municipalities had issued stay at home orders and I found myself making a last minute grocery run to stock up on essential food items and medication that would last us several weeks.  How did we go from planning a business and an overseas girls trip, to suddenly planning to go nowhere in less than a week’s time.  Life as we know it, or in this case, knew it, will cease to be for a very long time.  For me, the initial few days felt like a staycation of sorts.  I had already had the dates blocked off on my calendar so it was essentially all freed up.  The kids were on spring break so they were enjoying the time away from projects and exams and scheduled activities.  I was cooking more, something I found difficult to do while juggling mommy duties, launching a new business, and winding down past business ventures just weeks and months before.  Now, four weeks into our shelter in place orders, I, along with many of you I’m sure, am growing restless.  I am grateful that I have the luxury to stay safe at home, and am reminded of that privilege everyday as my better half is part of the healthcare heroes that goes off to work to keep us all safe.  

I wanted to use this time to reflect on the content I provide and put forth something positive, useful and uplifting.  Now, more than ever, our home is our refuge and what we do not only impacts us, but our communities and society at large.  I invite you on this journey with me, as we navigate uncertain times and ask for your patience and understanding as my site content will undoubtedly evolve as this pandemic evolves.  Thank you for joining me on this adventure and I can’t wait to share and connect with all of you soon!

❤️ - Thu Trinh


Dalgona Coffee: hopping on that coffee trend ☕️